Provider number 585/01399/12

BDS TRAINING CENTRE:                                Provider number 585/01399/12

Ending poverty through the creation of decent work, programmes to facilitate access, success and progression. Together doing more and better! (NSDSIII) National Skills Development Strategy III.

The single greatest contributors to poverty are unemployment and low paid work. Government’s position is clear: the new development and growth path for South Africa requires the participation of all economically active South Africans in productive activity.

Our policy which levers to achieve faster growth, higher employment and reduced levels of poverty includes skills development which must assist to not only support the private sector growth but labour intensive industries, infrastructure investment, public service delivery and rural development as well. Quality education and training is needed at all levels.

BDS TRAINING CENTRE offers a special range of competency based financial courses that are job focused, learner direct, carefully planned, tested and practical. These course programmes are accredited by FASSET (Finance, Accounting, Management Consulting and other Financial Services Sector)